Scientific Methodologies Meets Sovereign Tech

Taking Real-World Asset (RWA) tokenisation to the next level.

Trusted & Verifiable

Verifiable, trustworthy, end-to-end traceability of secure offsets anywhere in the world.

On-Chain Tokenisation

Leveraging on-chain technology to ensure and deliver the highest quality, auditable carbon assets.

IoT Integrations

Utilising the latest technology to monitor assets on the ground to ensure on-chain integrity.


A truth machine that is immutable, yet scalable globally to cater for both public and private data.

Secure Yet Transparent

High quality, carbon removal offsets without risk of double counting and double spending.

Web3-First Approach

We favour a Web3 approach, whilst exploring integrations to ensure Web2 benefits are not overlooked.


Verifiable, Immutable, Transparent.

Sovereignty is at the forefront of OceanBlocks' vision. The power of Sovereign Technologies will allow us to scale globally whilst being efficient, bespoke and interoperable all without the normal complexity of creating a brand new L1 blockchain so we can focus on what matters; saving earth.


Maritime Drones, Sensors, Satellites.

IoT devices, working in sync with blockchain technology, provides unparalleled monitoring capability that tells the truth. Verifiable metrics are integral to eradicating greenwashing.


High Quality Carbon Assets.

The combined use of advanced technologies above enables OceanBlocks to prove the quality of all our assets in an end-to-end manner. This effectively eliminates common problems such as green-washing and double-spending.