A Sustainable Future

The Journey of Transitioning to Green

Transitioning from an ESG mindset to ESV Ecosystems.

The Opportunity

Managing, deploying and verifying carbon offsets needs to be simple, secure and trustworthy if we are going to achieve a net-zero future.

Businesses need a way to easily acquire, manage and report on their emissions offsets whilst knowing that the credits they purchase are real, auditable and aligned with sustainable development goals (SDG).

OceanBlocks' Role

OceanBlocks aims to solidify its role in developing nature-based assets crucial for combating climate change and ensuring food security that is aligned with sustainable development goals.

Greenwashing has undermined trust in the carbon market; therefore, we focus on stringent verification processes and advanced methodologies to restore credibility.

Supply and Demand

Irrespective of where you are in the world, it is clear that carbon prices are expected to increase.

As demand for high-quality credits increases, so too will cost of supplying them.


Countries committted to limit global warming to below 2°C

< 35%

Accenture Global 200 companies have declared net-zero targets

> 93%

Companies with net-zero commitments risk missing targets


Per tonne, projected as soon as 2029; current price: US$25

OceanBlocks' Impact

The path to a more sustainable, net-zero future is far from straight and narrow. Rather, the action required to combat climate change and socio-ecological degradation requires a far ranging approach that spans geopolitical boundaries and scientific faculties.

OceanBlocks seeks to support and enable climate action across many boundaries, both directly and indirectly, and ultimately seeks to support a just, transparent and socio-ecologic centric transition to a net-zero future.

"It is the authenticity and impact of the underlying carbon reductions and natural ecosystems where the true value lies."

What are Blue Carbon Ecosystems & Why Blue Carbon?

Coastal blue carbon ecosystems are essential for sustaining global environmental health as well as providing vital services to coastal communities.

These habitats - comprising mangroves, tidal marshes and seagrasses - actively sequester atmospheric carbon dioxide in their plants and soils while also protecting coastlines from storm surges, erosion, water pollution and sea level rise. Additionally, they support endangered species populations, provide food resources that many communities rely upon and create essential spawning grounds for commercially-valuable fisheries.

"Blue carbon ecosystems are able to store four times more carbon per area than land-based forests, and they can keep it there for a long time if they are not disturbed."