Where Science Meets Web3 Technology

Leveraging blockchain, satellite imaging and spatial mapping technologies - carbon credits now have their own unique origin story that can be verified with ease.

What We Are About

What OceanBlocks Aim to Provide and Facilitate

Nature-Based Assets

The genesis of how the carbon lifecycle starts, and in high demand for the foreseeable future.

Trusted & Verifiable Carbon

End-to-end verifiable an trustworthy offsets accessible from anywhere in the world.

Compliant & SDG Aligned

Credits are generated from asset projects that are alined with UN Sustainable Development Goals.

Sovereign Technology

Scalable, secure and efficient sovereign technology to act as a verifiable truth machine.

Precision Methodologies

A series of science-backed methodologies that are country-level detail and precision.

Multitrophic Projects

The end-game is to create a sustainable ecosystem. The aim is bigger than any singular project.


Science-Based Precision Methodologies

An unrivalled set of methodologies that is clean from greenwashing. Verifiable transparency together with scientifically proven methodologies set a standard like never before.

Countries and governments can now enable standardisation through one of the most advanced set of methodologies.


Nature-Based Assets & Verifiable Carbon Credits

The voluntary carbon market will soon be a thing of the past. Increasing scrutiny and public awareness of greenwashing highlights the importance of having quality over quantity.

The ability to have a mechanism to prove legitimacy of carbon assets without reliance on a centralised intermediary is becoming more important than ever.


Exposure to Nature-Based & Carbon Assets

The carbon market is complex and lacks engagement with the greater retail audience. Although carbon offsetting schemes are embedded into our everyday digital journeys, people are still generally confused.

OceanBlocks provides an easy way to get exposure and manage your "good deeds" towards the environment.

The journey has never been so easy, impactful and accessible before!

Partnerships & Collaborations

OceanBlocks' partnerships globally form a strong foundation around our journey to achieve a better future for earth.


Proportio of global GDP (PPP) covered by national net-zero commitments


Private capital committed by the financial sector to achieve net-zero targets


Proportion of global greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions now covered by carbon pricing schemes


Companies planned to increase investments in sustainability initiatives by the end of 2022
Global Stats

Tell a Story

As demand for high-quality credits increases, so too will cost of supplying them. It is projected that by 2035, the global volume of credits required will have increased by20-40 times current levels in scenarios consistent with below 2°C and 1.5°C net-zero scenarios.


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